
July issue

  Dear readers A few days ago, the club Magazine Yes and Xai, who deal with the Greek star system, made us a special tribute for our new hotel, which they described as a diamond. There are not a few times that I have been in the happy position of having this comment even before this undertaking was done, and we have this final result. Today I can present to you with certainty, and you can enjoy what I described for years as a personal and business plan and goal. Let's make Arion a permanent place of summer escape. Together with our partners, we work methodically, and every year we develop our services to such an extent that our customers already announce their reservations for next year, the summer of 2025.. What great joy and emotion we feel when we see so many smiles around us and even more when you hear unique love stories from your customers. I am near you with my family and my chosen partners to spend a great summer season. Regards Moliviatis Spyros

June Issue

June Issue  Magazarion    Dear Readers  To travel is always a pleasure. Whether for business or leisure, every journey bears the promise of new experience, or a visit to safe and cozy places with a feeling of arrival.To experience travel is a true privilege. Arion Holiday destination has been host to this experience for some 20 years now. Come to think of it, what is it we remember about a hotel? The atmosphere, the scents,that feeling you get when you enter the room, the people. These, and the whole milieu composed of countless little details. This destination has always been keen on improving your stay .As curator of Arions, I am very focused to continue up to this main family target. to make your vacation memorable!!! The destination are serenely ready and start to receive the first arrivals. Each Hotel offers a different environment, but all have the same ultimate aim:to make you feel this is my space, my castle, and - if only temporarily - my home. Happy Summer  Moliviatis Fami

MAY Issue

MAGAZARION  What’s inside  1)Manager message  2) Palm Beach Park 3) Temperature May 4) Bookings 5) Mycoast 6) Tsoureki 7) Easter in Zakythos   Manager Message It is with great pleasure that we welcome friends, old and new, who have been with us on our hospitality journey for decades, to the wonderful Exclusive New Age. On one of the most amazing islands of our country, we have moved on to the next generation of hospitality. As the CEO of this company we call Arion Holiday Destination, I am traveling with my colleagues this summer with one and only motorcycle (YOU). During this time, You will see events unfold that have not yet appeared and add to the (unique) we want to call ourselves. Four Accommodations and a unique beach with new features and communities are ready for unique summer Stories We are proud of our Exclusive Philosophy, in the most impressive and pristine location of Zakynthos, and we hope it will meet your expectations. We look forward to taking you on a journey with

April Issue

           What’s inside  1)Manager message  2) Our Value Difference  3) Aspro krino dunes 4) Palm Beach Park 5) Sustanability 1 (society ) 6) Sustanability 2 ( enviroment ) 7) TRILOGY + 8 ) Now is the Time ! Manager message  It's such a pleasure to welcome you to Arion Holiday destination  Monthly Newsletter.Thought out the world out there, Arion Group of  Hotels has you covered Whether you are travelling for pleasure or relaxation  ,our goal is to make this part of the world ,part of your getaway region. We have officially moved into summer rhythms. After the change of the time and the change of the length day, everything goes to our favourite habits. Οur hearts have been beating faster and faster lately as we have entered the final stretch of our preparations for a fantastic summer year. Arion Holiday Destination continues to inspire us and our hope is that these pages will surprise you in new and deeper ways through their content to choose the correct  summer experience. It is

March Issue

MAGAZARION  ARION HOLIDAY DESTINATION ZAKYNTHOS ISLAND GREECE Welcome to March Issue  What’s inside  1)Manager message  2) Arion Holiday destination  3) Aspro krino dunes Story  4)Palm web page  5) New style Magazarion 6) Climatic changes  7)Decalogue for responsible Traveller  8)Working Philosophy  1.Manager message  A very warm welcome in Arion Holiday Destination  and wish you to have an amazing spring! This time of the year ,  our thoughts naturally turn to escaping for the summer holidays. Now we live in an era of virtual reality and Electronic Glasses entered our lives and as you can see they will stay. In such a world of loneliness and electronic reality, our destination becomes the absolute necessity of true enjoyment as we create continuity in a place that listens to the needs of your body and soul. You'd probably think that there is another festive presentation of a summer Hotel somewhere in Greece. But when you check carefully again, you see a concept entirely unique. In