Magazarion What’s inside 1)Manager message 2) one year ago 3) save the dates 4) 5 things about Arion Holiday destination 5) suggestion form 6) Christmas 7) We are Hiring Manager message It's such a pleasure to welcome you to Arion Holiday destination Monthly Newsletter.For me, December is always a time for introspection, a chance to reflect on the past and plan for the future, and a chance to think. This year, as every year, we extend our warmest holiday wishes to the great beloved Arion family and pledge to continue to focus our efforts on those who mean so much to us and to you. As we approach the peak of the holiday season, I am struck by the number of people - more than in recent memory - who have made reservations for the upcoming summer year. My message to everyone for 2025 is GRATITUDE. Be grateful, be kinder, live wiser. After such a roller coaster year (we agree that 2024 was a pretty special year for us) I am...